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Beanies 4 Babies

"Love comes in all sizes."

“Who Knew Moments”

“Who Knew” that a 13 year old boy would work in a school/hospital program assisting with premature babies?  Then, “Who Knew” he would grow up and marry his sweetheart who was herself born a preemie and delivered to her grandmother in a shoe box?

“Who Knew” that in Tampa Bay Area, FL alone there would be over 7,000 preemies born in 2019?

“Who Knew” a passion to help these preemies and a life changing event would birth the charity “Beanies 4 Babies”?

These NICU babies need to have their precious little heads kept warm so they can fight their way into this life. 

One day there will be a “Who Knew” story of one of these babies and how they too were able to grow up and become a life changer because when they were in need, someone helped keep them warm. 

Please join us in making more “Who Knew” moments both now and in the future.

If you knit or crochet we will supply the yarn and shipping all over the US. 

Look for “Who Knew” moments in your life and be a “Life Changer.

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