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Prematurity is a
global issue.

Hats and research
can help
save a life.
Did You Know?

Prematurity is a global issue

Hats & research can help save a life.
​​ ​​​
Ron and his wife Gloria hold a special place in their hearts for premature babies, as Gloria herself was a micro preemie and two of their grandsons were born prematurely. They understand the challenges that come with premature birth and are passionate about supporting this cause.

Pictured above: Bryan Williams
(grandson of Ron & Gloria Clark)
Pictured above: Jace Remington Clark
(grandson of Ron & Gloria Clark)
15 million babies
are born
each year.

A cozy hat is
a newborn
15 million babies are born prematurely each year.
Contact Us

Are you passionate about knitting and have a heart helping premature babies? We are looking for talented individuals who can knit hats for these little ones. Your contribution can make a big difference in their lives. Join us this heartwarming and help spread warmth and love to those who need it the most.
Join us in making a difference in the lives of babies!
Contact us today to learn how you can and be a part of our cause.
Together, we can make a positive impact one life at a time
Contact our Marketing Administrator
Tanya Clark
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